
Saturday, June 14, 2014

May swap recap

Even though we've been hosting food swaps in San Francisco for over 3 years now (!), I'm always surprised and impressed by the creativity of my fellow swappers. And, I'm always interested to see what "themes" naturally emerge from a diverse and essentially disparate crowd. The theme of the May swap was definitely 'booze-related'. From handcrafted bitters and infused vodka, to nocino and jun and liqueurs, we enjoyed some tasty libations.

Ginger Liqueur by Andrea

Jun by Adal

Nocino by Bowen

Fruit infused vodkas by Stephanie

Bitters by Hiya

Gold Rush cocktail for the potluck

Vodka sodas for the potluck

Bitter flights at the "bar"

But there were many non-alcoholic things of delight too. Although I am noticing that I definitely did not photograph them all this time... I expect I was spending too much time at the bar "sampling". But truly, my iPhone camera is on the fritz and disappears photos lately. (Blame my love of pudding--my phone hasn't been the same since I dropped it in boiling hot milk.)

Breads and cookies by Ann

Patricia arriving laden with fragrant herbs

Meyer lemons from Patricia's garden

Rhubarb syrup, compote and apricot jam by me

Chimichurri by Christina

Sorrel and lemon verbena pesto by Chistina

Kombucha by Adal

Lavender focaccia for the potluck

Red wine reduction sauces and Thai spiced marshmallows by Sarah

Herb bunches by Sophie

Fruity ice cream sauce by Angela

Tea-flavored marshmallows by J.K.

And lastly, Jonathan gets a special shout-out for typing up bitters labels on-the-spot with this awesome stylishly portable typewriter.

Has this sampling made you hunger for food swap participation? Our next one will be on Sunday, July 20th. Save the date.

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