
Saturday, April 2, 2011

All good things come in threes

Welcome to the SF Swappers blog, a place for like-minded food lovers and cooks to celebrate and explore all things homemade.

How did we get here? Let me tell you the story…

There once were three girls living in Santa Cruz, CA, and they loved rock and roll, and sunshine and healthy and delicious food and none of this seemed incongruous. They became friends and had fun and all ended up post-college in San Francisco where they continued living the good life.

Girl 1 (me): A lifelong chronic traveler, I've built up a checkered resume in between and during trips. From event planning for the United Nations 50th Anniversary to harvesting lavande sauvage in the Alpes-Maritimes in France, I ultimately landed at international travel publisher Lonely Planet where I worked for the past nearly 11 years. Love of books and language also made me find a home as a ESL/writing tutor and events conspirator at 826 Valencia, and a love of food stays with me wherever I go. I am currently taking a break from the work world and have reverted to my natural night-owl state where I stay up into the wee hours reading, and after sleeping in of course, spend my days swimming in the ocean and taking photos. There’s been lots of spring cleaning, and an array of personal/crafty projects on simmer. Perhaps above all though, I have been reveling in the leisure of having time to shop for good food and cook! I cook at least two meals a day, often three…and to enjoy sharing lunch every day with my sweetie is a luxury beyond compare. 

Girl 2: At UCSC, Stephanie worked at the Whole Earth Restaurant – the closest thing to a nerve-center the decentralized, woodland college campus had. For me, no trip to campus was without a stop at the Whole Earth, where I either had a spicy chai and delicious pumpkin bread to fuel me up for a stint at the library, or a big amazing green salad with a signature tasty blend of seeds on top. Always with seeds. Actually now that I think of it, what were those seeds, Stephanie? So, it was no surprise Stephanie went on to make her way in the world as a chef and culinary mistress – working in highly reputable restaurants and kitchens for the past twenty-some years. She now runs her own personal chef/catering business and is a founding member of a green wedding collective, both with an emphasis on sourcing local and sustainable ingredients and services.

Girl 3: Miss Jane Lerner is a gal who knows everyone and gives the perfect gift. I still cherish a big blue Boscoware bowl she gave me one birthday, and will always remember her going away party where all of the guys from the neighborhood institution Lucca Ravioli she was a regular at, not only hooked her up with incredible platters of food for the party, but all actually showed up to wish her bon voyage in person. This was late night and we were well past Jane's homemade limoncello shrimp appetizer and on to the stronger booze, but as a testament to how much they appreciated Jane, I think they even put up with the intoxicated dual brother/sister dance-off taking place. In New York she now earns her living and happiness writing. About food, about the Brooklyn Flea, and she also helps run BK Swappers which was recently featured in the NY Times!

Jane posted the article on her Facebook wall, both Stephanie and I saw it, and a simple “Are you thinking what I’m thinking Aimee?” comment from Stephanie was the only spark it needed. Here we are. 

So thank you Facebook. For making it so easy to stay in touch across the distance, and stoke the fires of similar interests, and provide inspiration when needed. Oh yeah, and for making starting a food swap community in your town – wherever you may be – so easy.

Stay tuned for swapping how-to's and details on our first swap event coming up May 15th!

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