
Sunday, March 30, 2014

We're back! Spring Swap Recap

It was wonderful connecting with everyone again after a longer-than-planned swap hiatus. And, we heard the message loud and clear...we won't go as long between swaps again (holidays, life, and travel will be better planned, we promise!). In fact, mark your calendars for the next one, on May 29th.

Spring was in the air, making the social part of our evening very lively, and as always, the potluck and swap tables overflowed with fragrant, vibrant, and creative offerings. Lots of fresh greens from the garden were extra aesthetically pleasing in my book.

Garlic scapes from Angela - I am making mine into this pesto

Honeycomb, lemons, greens, and herbs from Patricia

Lemon balm, arugula, and collards

Collard close-up
Flavored caramels by Andrea

Pickled apricots, grenadine and jams by Kari

Hot Sauce! by Stephanie

Euro Culture Yogurt and Ricotta by Maureen

Vegan cookie goodness by Micah

Lemongrass Pickled Eggs by Herb

Little Herb labels were a hit!

Chocolate bark by Meredyth

Assorted (and beautiful) refrigerator pickles by Christina W

Roasted peppers by Jim

Honey Sweetened Meyer Lemon Jam & Meyer Lemon Yogurt by me

Boozy persimmon bread by Kari

Cranberry Orange Relish by J.K.

Lavender Syrup by Angela

More (but different!) Meyer Lemon Caramel by Lea

Jams a-plenty by Lisa

Pomelo Un-gummy Worms by Jim (they were not un-yummy)

Olive sauce by Christina M

Apple cake by Lucia
And there was even more: Spiced Nuts, Honey Ancho Peanut Butter, Earl Grey Pot de Cremes, Granola, and Chocolate Chip Cookies rounded out the evening. Along with bubbly conversation and libations. It's good to be back in the swap swing of things, folks.